Complex mediums II : beyond linear isotropic dielectrics, 30 July-1 August, 2001, San Diego, USA. pp.387-394, 2001. Bellingham, Wash.. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
Title of ser.:
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering
Smart electronics and MEMS : 11-13 December 1997, Adelaide, Australia. pp.380-387, 1997. Bellingham, Wash., USA. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
Title of ser.:
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering
Smart electronics and MEMS : 11-13 December 1997, Adelaide, Australia. pp.172-180, 1997. Bellingham, Wash., USA. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
Title of ser.:
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering