
List of Searchable Databases

Last updated: October 1, 2018

TDL Article Database

 International conference papers

This is a database of the table of contents of international conference proceedings in the collection of the Tokyo Institute of Technology Library. Papers included in the proceedings of major international conferences in the field of science and technology can be searched for title, author name, and conference name, etc.

Number of entries :
658,345 (as of September 28, 2018)
Entries :
Frequency of updates :

 Technical papers

This is a database of the technical papers in the collection of the Tokyo Institute of Technology Library. Major science and technology related technical papers can be searched for title, author name, and paper number, etc.

Number of entries :
199,331 (as of September 28, 2018)
Entries :
Frequency of updates :

 SwetScan - Swets Table of Contents Service

This is a database of the table of contents of some 17,000 journal titles. All coverage areas are covered exhaustively.

Number of entries :
Range of entries :
1998 to 2014
Entries :
Frequency of updates :
Not updated.
Notice :
Only campus members have access.

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