Computers in engineering, 1985 : proceedings of the 1985 ASME International Computers in Engineering Conference and Exhibition, August 4-8, 1985, Boston, Massachusetts
- 責任表示:
- sponsored by the Computer Engineering Division, ASME ; co-editors, R. Raghavan, S.M. Rohde ; associate editors, K. Ahluwalia ... [et al.]
- シリーズ名:
- ASME Symposia Volumes
- 出版情報:
- New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1985
- 請求記号:
- A11600/861004 [v.1], A11600/861003 [v.2], A11600/861002 [v.3]
- 資料種別:
- 国際会議録
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
IEEE Computer Society Press |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
Association for Computing Machinery |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers |