Intelligent robots and computer vision XIX : algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 7-8 November 2000, Boston, USA. pp.15-26, 2000. Bellingham, Wash.. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering
Machine vision and three-dimensional imaging systems for inspection and metrology : 6-8 November 2001 [i.e. 2000], Boston, USA. pp.53-62, 2000. Bellingham, Wash.. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering
Intelligent robots and computer vision XVIII : Algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 20-21 September 1999, Boston, Massachusetts. pp.220-231, 1999. Bellingham, Wash.. SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering
Applications of digital image processing XX : 30 July-1 August 1997, San Diego, CA. pp.482-493, 1997. Bellingham, Wash., USA. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering
Intelligent robots and computer vision XVI : Algorithms, techniques, active vision, and materials handling : 15-17 October 1997 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. pp.212-223, 1997. Bellingham, Wash., USA. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering
Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XV: Algorithms, Techniques,Active Vision, and Materials Handling. pp.184-198, 1996. Bellingham, Wash.. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering