Image and signal processing for remote sensing VII : 18-21 September 2001, Toulouse, France. pp.190-198, 2001. Bellingham, Wash.. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering
Image and signal processing for remote sensing VII : 18-21 September 2001, Toulouse, France. pp.1-10, 2001. Bellingham, Wash.. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering
Szu,H.H. ; Le Moigne,J. ; Netanyahu,N.S. ; Hsu,C.C.
Wavelet applications IV : 22-24 April 1997, Orlando, Florida. pp.116-127, 1997. Bellingham, Wash.. SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering
Proceedings of SPIE - the International Society for Optical Engineering