A collection of technical papers : 16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Orlando, Florida 23-26 June 2003. v. 3 pp.1874-1900, 2003. Reston, Va.. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Title of ser.:
AIAA Paper : AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference
A collection of technical papers : 20th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 24-27 June 2002. pp.1-17, 2002. Reston, VA. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
A collection of technical papers : 21st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Orlando, Florida, 23-26 June 2003. v. 1 pp.332-353, 2003. Reston, Va.. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
A collection of technical papers : 21st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Orlando, Florida, 23-26 June 2003. v. 1 pp.320-331, 2003. Reston, Va.. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics