Arturo Guzman, Young-Chang Cho, John Tripp, Kumar Srinivasan
Society of Automotive Engineers
Horrigan, K., Duncan, B., Sivakumar, P., Gupta, A., Wong, A.
Society of Automotive Engineers
Walter, Joel, Duell, Edward, Martindale, Bill, Arnette, Stephen, Geierman, Robert, Gleason, Mark, Romberg, Gary
Society of Automotive Engineering, Inc.
F. Wittmeier, A. Michelbach, J. Wiedemann, V. Senft
Society of Automotive Engineers
Todd Lounsberry, Joel Walter
Society of Automotive Engineers
Everhart, Joel L., Bobbitt, Percy J.
National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration
Eckert,W., Singer,N., Vagt,Jorg-Dieter
Society of Automotive Engineering, Inc.
Berchak,Mary J., Camosy,Michael W.
Society of Automotive Engineering, Inc.
Society of Automotive Engineering, Inc.
Walter,Joel A., Pruess,David J., Romberg,Gary F.
Society of Automotive Engineering, Inc.
Connor, C., Kharazi, A., Walter, J., Martindale, B.
Society of Automotive Engineers
Walter,Joel A., Pruess,David J., Romberg,Gary F.
Society of Automotive Engineers