Lift and Drag Prediction Using Automatic Hexahedra Grid Generation Method
- Author(s):
- A. Hashimoto ( Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Chofu, Japan )
- K. Murakami
- T. Aoyama
- P. Lahur ( Research Center of Computational Mechanivs, Inc. (RCCM), Tokyo, Japan )
- Publication title:
- AIAA meeting papers on disc
- Title of ser.:
- AIAA Paper : Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit
- Ser. no.:
- 2009
- Pub. Year:
- 2009
- No.:
- 2009-1365
- Paper no.:
- AIAA Paper 2009-1365
- Pub. info.:
- Reston, Va.: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- 10877215
- Language:
- English
- Call no.:
- A07400/200901
- Type:
- Technical Paper
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