High-Rate Etching of Metals for Magnetoelectronic Applications
- Author(s):
Pearton, S.J. Jung, K.B. Hong, J. Lee, J.W. Caballero, J.A. Childress, J.R. Jenson, M. Hurst, A.T., Jr. - Publication title:
- Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors (SOTAPOCS XXVII)
- Title of ser.:
- Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series
- Ser. no.:
- 97-21
- Pub. Year:
- 1997
- Page(from):
- 270
- Page(to):
- 285
- Pub. info.:
- Pennington, NJ: Electrochemical Society
- 01616374
- 9781566771498 [1566771498]
- Language:
- English
- Call no.:
- E23400/97-21
- Type:
- Conference Proceedings
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