Complementary HFET Technology for Wireless Digital and Microwave Applications
- Author(s):
Baca, A G. Zolper, J.C. Dubbert, D.F Hietala, V.M. Sloan, L.R. Shul, R.J. Sherwin, M.E. Hafich, M.J. - Publication title:
- Proceedings of the Symposium on High Speed III-V Electronics for Wireless Applications and the twenty-fifth State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors (SOTAPOCS XXV)
- Title of ser.:
- Electrochemical Society Proceedings Series
- Ser. no.:
- 96-15
- Pub. Year:
- 1996
- Page(from):
- 73
- Page(to):
- 83
- Pub. info.:
- Pennington, NJ: Electrochemical Society
- 01616374
- 9781566771658 [156677165X]
- Language:
- English
- Call no.:
- E23400/963435
- Type:
- Conference Proceedings
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